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ArmA BTK - Born To Kill - ARMA KLAN Název novinky: ArmA BTK - Born To Kill - ARMA KLAN :: A&S ProMode (Advance And Secure) Game Mode for Arrowhead

Přidal kju dne 14.07.2010 17:34


gday [b]BTK[/b]!

I am happy to introduce you our new game mode for [i]Operation Arrowhead[/i] called [b]A&S ProMode[/b].

From small to large scale, both action packed and tactical battles with up to 12on12 players
in a dynamic environment that focus on teamplay and mission objectives!

[b]The highlights[/b]:

* [url=http://pvpscene.net/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=700&media=english:game_modes:advance_and_secure:a_s_promode:ans_core_concept.jpg]Asymetric A&D gameplay[/url] combined with [url=http://pvpscene.net/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=english:game_modes:advance_and_secure:a_s_promode:different_zones.jpg]AAS zone system[/url].
* [url=http://pvpscene.net/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=english:game_modes:advance_and_secure:a_s_promode:spawn_choose_class.jpg]Twelve classes to choose from[/url] with [url=http://pvpscene.net/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=english:game_modes:advance_and_secure:a_s_promode:different_classes.jpg]different equipment and skills like:[/url]
* [url=http://pvpscene.net/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=700&media=english:game_modes:advance_and_secure:a_s_promode:revive_unit.jpg]Medic type classes with the ability to revive fallen or (area) heal wounded team mates[/url].
* Or officer respawn, HALO jump, artillery strike, repair tires, flip cars, cut fences and more to come.
* [url=http://pvpscene.net/files/wiki/aas/images/aas_spawn_menu.jpg]Custom spawn menu to select forward spawn or change class[/url].
* [url=http://pvpscene.net/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=english:game_modes:advance_and_secure:a_s_promode:aas_interface.jpg]Custom HUD to guide players[/url].
* Small to large scale missions; Very diverse landscape and settings (daytime/weather/fog/viewdistance).
* [url=http://pvpscene.net/wiki/doku.php?id=english:game_modes:advance_and_secure:a_s_promode:mission_list]16 missions Takistan[/url]; New missions every week (130+ for A2OA).
* [url=http://vimeo.com/channels/ans#13090227]Optional AI mode to get into A&S ProMode or as reinforcements with low player numbers[/url].
* [url=http://vimeo.com/channels/ans#13076657]Highly configurable[/url].

To get a quick idea, check out our [url=http://vimeo.com/channels/ans]A&S ProMode video channel[/url] at vimeo.


To learn more head over to the [url=http://pvpscene.net/wiki]PvPscene wiki[/url] and
read our extensive documentation in the [url=http://pvpscene.net/wiki/doku.php?id=english:game_modes:advance_and_secure:a_s_promode]A&S ProMode articles[/url].

[b]Available topics[/b]:

* Beginners guide
* Features
* Key differences to AAS core
* Did you know?
* Hints
* A&S ProMode specific HUD (Head-up display)
* A&S ProMode specific keyboard controls
* Blocked key actions
* Mission parameters

# [url=http://pvpscene.net/wiki/doku.php?id=english:game_modes:advance_and_secure:a_s_promode#download_missions]Download the A&S ProMod missions[/url]

[url=,5.0.html]Feedback and questions[/url] are very welcome! :)

best regards


Přidal kju dne 14.07.2010 17:35

The [b]second release of A&S ProMode[/b] includes a few fixes and a couple of new features:

* Added: on-screen task hints to guide players.
* Added: parameter to configure night vision availability.
* Added: simple music player.

* Changed: Move defenders out of the (most forward) zone to defend at mission start.
* Changed: Add a parameter to change the capping speed.
* Changed: Add transport vehicles to Sagram.

* Fixed: Civilians are missing the user action to get into spectator mode.
* Fixed: Dead bodies of disconnected player are not cleaned up.
* Fixed: East respawn zone is in the X-Ray zone in the mission Nur.

The optional AI mode can be used for enjoyment while waiting for the server
to fill or as training. See the details in the [url=http://pvpscene.net/wiki/doku.php?id=english:game_modes:advance_and_secure:a_s_promode:features#ai_support_mode]features[/url] section of the wiki.

You can review the [url=http://dev-heaven.net/versions/show/632]list of changes in detail[/url].

The A&S ProMode (2010-07-13) pack is available in the [url=http://dev-heaven.net/projects/list_files/ans-promode]filebase[/url].

[b]Leave your feedback in the [url=,5.0.html]forum[/url] and enjoy![/b]


[b]New Missions: 2010-07-13[/b]



* Anar Valley
* Falar Valley
* Feruz Abad
* Field of Rocks
* Gospandi Path
* GurDur
* Lalezar Refinery
* OpDoubleTracked
* Rasman Military Base
* Sanginat Mine
* Siah Chub

[url=http://pvpscene.net/wiki/doku.php?id=english:game_modes:advance_and_secure:a_s_promode:mission_list]A&S ProMode Mission List [PvPscene][/url]


To be notified of future updates [b]follow[/b] or better [b]subscribe[/b] to this subforum:
[url=,24.0.html]PvPscene Projects: News[/url]

or the news section of the project space itself:
[url=http://dev-heaven.net/projects/ans-promode/news]A&S ProMode (OA)[/url]

New mission are announced in this thread:
[url=,7.0.html]Submit Your new A&S ProMode mission![/url]